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Joy 2 the World!
It’s not a sequel, part duex, a repeat of a leap year or groundhog day? The world we live in is desperate for JOY! We are more isolated but more all in “It” together than ever before. Our world is bigger than ourselves, our side, our health, or even our rights. I believe we all can agree on more JOY!
- Joy is NOT dependent on your street address (As your realtor I wish it was), your income, your health, or your relationship status. Joy IS dependent on your choice.
- I bring you good news of GREAT JOY for ALL people. Jesus came into our world with Joy and it is still His gift to the world today.
- Joy is not a reaction to your circumstances but in some seasons a decision of defiance.
- Behaviors affect emotions.
- Tears of tragedy, sorrows and disappointments bring the greatest capacity for Joy.
- Joy enables you to make a difference in someone else’s life.
- When you give to someone else, Joy jumps back at you. Share a meal, wave or smile.
- Gratitude, one of the gateways to Joy. Seek out good, be thankful, show appreciation.
- Perspective; What have I lost? What do I still have? What is my hope for the future?
- ? Joy to the world, all you boys and girls ?. Try not to sing that! Not sorry for the earworm.
- Find Joy in each season figuratively and literally.
- "Joy is peace dancing. Peace is joy at rest." - Frederick Brotherton Meyer
- Breathe in: Joy, Breathe out: expectations, disappointments and sorrow.
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